"United City Warrior Society"

Native American / First Nation

History Page






Diese Homepage dient zur Information und Aufklärung und soll zum Nachdenken anregen. 500 Jahre Unrecht sind genug. Es wird Zeit das die amerikanischen Ureinwohner zu ihrem Recht kommen.


 Hau Kola




This website serves to inform and educate and is thought-provoking. 500 years are wrong enough. It is time that the Native Americans have their rights.


the eagles bed by Native American Indian on Grooveshark
Native American / First Nation History Page "Austria"
Native American / First Nation History Page "Austria"

We support the American Indian Movement"

Christian Hauser, Founder & President United City Warrior Society
Christian Hauser, Founder & President United City Warrior Society
Diese Seite ist der amerikanischen Urbevölkerung gewidmet. In großem Respekt vor ihrer Kultur und in Ehrfurcht vor dem Leid, was sie erfuhren, möchte ich meinen Teil dazu beitragen, dass sie niemals vergessen werden auf dieser Welt.

Ich dulde hier keine selbsternannten Medizinmänner oder Indianerkopierer. Meine Beiträge sind von mir sorgfältig recherchiert und dienen ausschließlich der Information. Der Respekt vor der Kultur und den Ritualen der Native American People steht im Vordergrund.

Obwohl ich mich hier hauptsächlich mit den Ureinwohnern Nordamerikas auseinandersetze, möchte ich festhalten, dass mir selbstverständlich bewußt ist das den Ureinwohnern Südamerikas und Canadas genauso Unrecht geschehen ist und noch immer geschieht.
Ich möchte die Native Americans hier nur als Beispiel für 500 Jahre Unrecht auf dem ganzen Koninent anführen.
Du möchtest uns ünterstützen als Member oder Supporter?
Schicke mir eine Nachricht.
This page is dedicated to the Native Americans  . With great respect for their culture and in awe of the suffering, what they learned, I want to do my part, that they'll never forget in this world.

I suffer here no self-proclaimed medicine men or Indians copier. My posts are of my carefully researched and are for information only. Of respect for the culture and rituals of the Native American People in the foreground.

Although I am here primarily grappling with the Native Americans, I would hold that to me is of course aware that the natives of South America and Canada just been wronged and is still happening.
I would just mention the Native Americans as an example for 500 years on the wrong continent.
You want to support us as a member or supporter?
Leave me a message.

Welcome on the United City Warrior's Society

Middle East Page

Mail: ucwsme@hotmail.com

Vice President and  Leader Middle East

Nada Amine Awar







I am a Lebanese female poet, researcher and writer in Arabic and English.  




I am also an independent environmental awareness specialist and activist since 1992 when I assisted Dr. Mohammad Khaowli who was the chairman of Geology department in the American University of Beirut to collect signatures for the petition that was submitted to the UN so that the first UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) could be held between 3 June and 14 June 1992 in Rio..


Fourth of January, 1957 I was born in Quarnayel, Lebanon. Being an only daughter among three sons, gave my whole life an aromatic taste.


I got a master degree in political science from the American University of Beirut. Mahatma Gandhi is the only politician I follow and respect. Gamal Abd Nasir is the only Arab leader I admire.


Rabindranath Tagore is my spiritual master. His poetry, writings, music, and universal thought is a real fountain for my spiritual uplifting.


Chief Seattle’s “Message To the Modern World” broadened my views and deepened my interrelationships with Mother Nature and the GREAT SPIRIT.  


John Lennon is my daily friend. I recognize his song “Imagine” as my national anthem.


I am a fan of Yoko Ono; I appreciate what she gave to the “whole world” through her love to John.


I believe that the cosmic law is the only law that any creature must follow in order to understand the simple truth of life and death: that is another form of existence.